One-to-Three Photo Processing Challenge-April 2022

Badge for the one-to-three photo processing challenge.

Join the One-to-Three Photo Processing Challenge to have some creative fun with photos.

The purpose of the One-to-Three Photo Processing Challenge is to play. These days we have so many different ways to process a photo: from phone apps to Photoshop. And these different software options make it accessible for anyone to get fun and beautiful effects. Whether you have a lot of time or a little.

I’ve been spending a lot of my pandemic playing with photo processing. Because it is a relaxing indoor activity that I can do for free (I mostly use open-source programs and old versions of paid programs). And I thought it might be fun to share what I’ve been doing and see what other folks are trying out.

No complicated rules, just:

  1. Pick a photo you want to play with.
  2. Process it using three different methods.
  3. After that create a blog post with the original and your creative products. Alternatively, if it is easier for you, you could post a gallery on Instagram with #tsc_1to3.
  4. If you can, please include a description of your methods. So others can give them a whirl.
  5. Then add a comment below containing the link to you post (pingbacks don’t work). So we can all see your creations.
  6. Check out what other folks are doing for new ideas.

I can hardly wait to see what you create.

March creations:

Here’s my one-to-three contribution for this month:

A photo from walking the dogs this week. Seems like everything is bursting into bloom, including this lovely magnolia in a neighbor’s parking strip.

Directions for my methods:

I wasn’t very creative this month:

The first is the GIMP’s built-in Cartoon filter. It’s found in the Artistic Filter group: Filters>Artistic>Cartoon. This a simple filter but you can get some interesting looks with it. I did a short demo of the different adjustments in the filter in this YouTube video:

The second uses the GIMP’s Waterpixels FIlter, also found in the Artistic group. Filters>Artistic>Waterpixels.

The third uses the G’mic smooth abstract filter from G’mic’s Artistic set of filters. Filters>G’MIC-Qt then select Artistic and select Smooth Abstract. I did a post about this filter here.

Badge for the one-to-three photo processing challenge.
Badge for the One-to-Three Photo Processing Challenge

15 Replies to “One-to-Three Photo Processing Challenge-April 2022”

  1. Ah, one of my favourite flowers! And I have so many magnolia photos that I too like to experiment with them 🙂 Of these I like best the Smooth Abstract version – by a long way! The other two seem to somewhat detract from the beauty of the flower imho (especially the cartoon) but that one not only showcases it but also removes the distracting car top left that is visible in the original and the two other edits. Really lovely edit!

    1. I really should have desaturated and blurred that darned car. That’s the problem with being in the city. Cars and power lines everywhere.

  2. Oh, and in the waterpixel version, the car doesn’t distract me. The dark of the car gives a contrast to the white bloom.