Tag: bearded iris

They should call it “Iris”

Purple bearded iris

I think that May is misnamed.

Around here, a better name is “Iris”. Because the iris are blooming in their glory right now. Proving my point: here are just a few bearded ones from walking the pups this week.

Purple and white bearded iris, lit by the morning sun and processed using Topaz Studio 2.
Would you call it variegated or dappled?
Is mauve a purple or a pink?
A mauve beauty with a charming peachy beard.
This is one from my own front yard.
Fifty shades of purple.

I had some fun with Topaz Studio on these. Bearded iris is so beautiful it looks gorgeous with so many different digital art processes. Each of these uses different settings in Topaz Studio 2.

This post is a little late for Brashley Photography’s Floral Friday, but it’s also suitable for Cee’s Flower of the Day: Bearded Iris and Life in Colour: Purple by Travel Words.

On the Life in Colour challenge there has been discussion about the difference between purple and violet. In my experience, the difference between purple and violet often depends on the light, the iris in my yard appears blue-violet at certain times of the day. Different processing plays up the blue (violet is typically seen as more blue than traditional purple).

A Sony RX10Miv took all of these photos (with me attached). I used Raw Therapee, Topaz Studio 2 and the GIMP for processing. For some tips about using Raw Therapee and the GIMP see my page: The photo processing tools on my belt.