Images from Rural Kenya

Finally I am pulling together some of the images and experiences I had in Africa. African life is very different from how I normally live. So being there is like drinking life experiences from a fire hose, because of that I have a very hard time choosing.

I was blessed to twice spend time in a rural Kenyan village. Mulundi is located in the Kitui district east of Nairobi. In the part of Kenya where most people belong to the Kamba tribe. We stayed with a family and saw how people really lived.

Mulundi is in the Kitui region. Because it is the local market town, and the brisk local people can walk there and back in less than a day people go there quite often. We were driven, but the car was so small and the roads were so rough that, at times, I would rather have walked. As you can see from the sign on the second photo the Kamba take great pride in their herbal cures.

I’m ending with a couple of pictures from a viewpoint over the great rift valley.