September in Paris-Streets and seats

View of Pont d'Austerlitz from Pont Chales de Gaulle.

A gallery of Paris streets and seats from my wanderings for Alive and Trekking’s Which Way and my Pull up a Seat challenges:

Last September I went to Paris for a couple of days. It was my disorganized time on the front end of an organized tour. I let my jet lagged self wander along the Seine River, simple being in Paris. Between walking and riding the Batobus I covered the area from the Gare de Lyon to the Eiffel Tower.

Naturally I couldn’t see much in a couple of days, but at least now I feel like I have actually been to Paris.

Paris was a dream destination for me: I studied French in middle school, four years in high school, took literature classes in French in college then took conversation classes and participated in conversation groups as an adult.

Before this, the closest I got to visiting Paris was a short walk between train stations in 2001. On my first trip, almost 34 years ago, we bicycled in Alsace. My husband is a bicyclist, me not-so-much. I thought I could lure him into traveling in France by making it fun for him…but life happened (turned out I was pregnant on that first trip). My second attempt was in 2001, as a family of three-our son was 12-we walked on the Grande Randonee in Southwest France the focus of that trip was Prehistoric caves. This trip I went solo.

Photographic information:

I took all of these with my Sony RX10iv camera. Processed using Raw Therapee, Topaz Studio 2 and the GIMP to process the photos. To some, I applied a subtle painterly effect applied, because it was Paris and I was in an artsy mood. My workflow is described in this post.

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